Monday, June 7, 2010

The Siren-Like Call of OASUS and OPUS

Well friends, I'm off tomorrow for a really pleasurable experience: the semi-annual OASUS and OPUS user group meetings in Ottawa. Run by an extremely tight executive committee and supported strongly through the SAS Canada offices in Ottawa, these groups really do set the bar very high for planning, vision and size.
As I mentioned previously, we're trying out something new to better support the SAS user community: we're adding the element of video. Coming up: interviews with the President's of both groups as well as footage from the meeting (Q & A sessions, networking breaks, book reviews). This should provide a candid, honest platform for cheering - or jeering! - the structure of the meetings.
I'll have videos and pictures to post from the meeting: I hope you'll find it useful, and do let me know if I could improve my technique at all (Oliver Stone, I'm not!)
On a personal note, I'll be headed to sunny San Diego to visit my (much) better half for a few weeks beginning on June 12th, so this space may be quiet until month's end. Have no fear: I'm not going anywhere, and will be sure to regale you with wonderful tales from Ottawa shortly!

Look forward to reporting back shortly....

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